Ubuntu 10.04: Some Screenshots

These are some screenshots of an Ubuntu 10.04 installation on VMware Fusion 3.  Once 10.10 comes out, we’ll post screenshots of those as well.

Bootup Screenshot

Welcome and Language Selection Screen

Welcome and Language Selection Screen

Time Zone Selection

Time Zone Selection

Preparing Disk Space

Preparing Disk Space

Creating A Login Account And Specifying Hostname

Creating A Login Account And Specifying Hostname

Retrieving More Software

Retrieving More Software

Downloading Language Packs

Downloading Language Packs

Install Complete

Installation Complete



Login Manager Screen

Login Manager Screen

Desktop After Fresh Install

Desktop After Fresh Install

Tweaking the resolution on the VM as done before, we can get a nice workspace:



Desktop 02

Desktop 02

Desktop 03

Desktop 03

Desktop 04 (with a software manager running)

Desktop 04 (with a software manager running)

Desktop 05

Desktop 05 (with update manager running)

Desktop 06

Desktop 06 (updates taking place)