Ctrl-a Ctrl-c Create new screen Ctrl-a w List screens Ctrl-a S Split screens into 2 windows Ctrl-a n Next screen Ctrl-a Tab Toggle to next window Ctrl-a X Destroy window Ctrl-a Ctrl-a Switch to the last window displayed Ctrl-a {n} Switch to window n Ctrl-a " Display all windows for visual selection Ctrl-a d Detach the screen session Ctrl-a D D Power detach: sends HANGUP to parent process of screen Ctrl-a x Ctrl-a Ctrl-x Call a screenlock program; Warning: Lock is void when screen has no password and the shells are unlocked. Ctrl-a * Shows a tabular listing of all currently connected user front-ends (displays) To reattach screen session: screen -r -- * GNU Screen Manual - http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/